What should be in every band’s EPK?

Music Career: What Should Be In Every Band’s EPK?

EPK (Electronic Press Kits) have become an essential in modern music. But unfortunately, not everyone has a good digital press kit. To right this wrong we have compiled a list of what should and shouldn’t be in your band’s EPK.

In the 21st century, being a successful band is much more than just creating brilliant music. Nowadays you need a digital press kit to tell people who you are, and why your music is so brilliant. And that’s where we can help – here’s our guide to how to create your own digital press kit.

When starting a band there are a few absolute necessities: bandmates, a dedication to music, and instruments to make music with. But these things alone do not guarantee success. As obvious as it may be, you need people to like your music. Which means you will need media interest in your band – to get people to hear your music.

How do you do that? You use a digital press kit.

These kits, also known as electronic press kits, offer a one-stop-shop on everything your band. They are sent to media personnel and include everything from your latest music, to links to your social media, to contact information on how to reach the band. In the modern world, they are an essential to mainstream musical success. In fact, they are so essential that we’ve created an entire guide on EPKS below.

What is a EPK?

A digital press kit, often referred to as an electronic press kit (or EPK), is a pre-packaged selection of promotional materials. These materials are sent from individuals, companies or organisations, to members of the media, for promotional use.

For example, for a music journalist to review a new, up-and-coming band, they will need to be sent the relevant information about the band.

Typically, digital press kits, or EPKs, or sent out ahead of an album release or extended tour. The kits help to encourage media interest in the musicians or event, as the kits have everything a music writer will need to know, sent directly to them.

Does my band need a EPK?

You can avoid creating one, but this can severely harm your band’s ability to ‘get noticed’. The digital press kit is a simple way of furthering someone’s interest in a topic by sending them all the information on that topic. If you do not send out digital press kits, you are relying on strangers maybe googling your band – so why take that chance?


What should be in my band’s EPK?

There is no ‘perfect’ digital press kit, but here’s what you should have in yours:

  1. Music – this is hands down the most important part of the digital press kit. You need people to hear your fantastic music, so don’t forget to include it! Additionally, remember that the receiver of the EPK may be in a rush, or just simply not interested. Therefore, put your strongest songs to the top of the track list. You need to grab the reader’s fleeting attention!
  2. Your musician bio – this is where the reader gets to know a bit extra about your band. So, let your personality shine! Add in a few sentences about your style of music, who you are and why you are doing what you are doing. Essentially, this will work as your ‘elevator pitch’. If you’re unsure what to include, check out our handy guide!
  3. Promotional photos – they need to see what you look like! It’s much harder to forget a band with a distinctive look, and that can only be demonstrated by photos. Make sure these are high quality, album cover work-worthy photos (they don’t actually have to be the cover of your album, but you should be proud enough of them to be your album’s cover work).
  4. Social media worthy photos – not only should the photos you include be of high quality, but they should be marketable. The best tactic here is to include a variety of shapes and sizes (photography-wise), to maximise their potential usage in a social media company to promote your band
  5. Links – you should include links to your band’s social media (which needs a good follower count). Not only will this demonstrate your marketability, but it will draw the reader into viewing more of your content if you are uploading music/promotional material to your social feeds often.
  6. Videos – although you may have included links to your band’s social media (which may have videos on it), you cannot rely on the reader clicking every link in your EPK. Therefore, include videos that can be viewed upon opening your digital press kit. Remember, the more information you have, the more potentially impressive you are!
  7. Press Quotes – what better way to convince a member of the press that your band is the next hot thing, if the press already loves you? Show your worth by including quotes, from credible sources, about the brilliance of your band
  8. Contact details – an essential. An absolute must. But oh how often it’s forgotten. Remember, the reader of your EPK may want to contact you to book a gig. As such, do not include an old, unused email address or phone number. Provide information that can connect the reader, to your band, quickly!

How do I get a EPK?

How you get a digital press kit depends on your status as a band. For example, if you are The Foo Fighters, you probably already have someone working for you whose job is solely to create EPKS. If you are just starting out as a band, you won’t have this luxury.

We encourage people at this stage of their career to think of an EPK as your band’s resume. It has to sell your band, demonstrate your values, and encourage the reader to find out more about you. That means it is all about perfecting that resume.

This could mean hiring professional photographers or encouraging your friend who loves photography as a hobby to take some photos of your next gig. Remember, there is no perfect EPK, and it most certainly won’t be perfect when your band has just begun. But keep working hard, keep improving your band’s resume, and you will succeed.

Hope that was helpful!



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